Life Quotes in English for Motivation and Living: Best 100 Best Life Quotes in English useful life quotes about goal, welfare, and solitude, Life quotes images, Life quotes photos, Life Quotes in English photos.
Life Quotes in English with Life Quotes Images.
Seeking happiness for oneself leads to perishable happiness, and bringing happiness to others leads to imperishable happiness.
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By completely renouncing perishable happiness, imperishable happiness is attained.
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There is heaven for enjoying happiness and hell for suffering, and this is the human world that must rise above both happiness and suffering and attain great joy.
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The happiness that comes from the severance of the worldly connection cannot be linked to the worldly connection.
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You will not obtain imperishable happiness as long as you continue to enjoy perishable happiness.
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Life Quotes in English about Ego
The pride of goodness is the root of evil.
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Renunciation of selfishness and pride leads to asceticism.
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The pride of one’s own intellect does not allow the words of the scriptures and saints to remain in the conscience.
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The specialty of varna, ashram, etc. is to serve others, not to boast.
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The more you pride yourself on your goodness, the more evil will arise. Be good to him, but do not be proud of being good.
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Knowledge liberates, but the pride of knowledge leads to hell.
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Getting worldly things can lead to pride, but neither getting worldly things nor meeting God can bring pride; pride is completely destroyed.
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A human being cannot become the best without renouncing selfishness and pride.
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Where there is pride of caste, devotion is very difficult, because bhakti is done by the self, not by the body. But caste is of the body, not of the self.
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As long as there is selfishness and pride, no one can be loved.
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Life Quotes in English about Aim
Worldly achievement and inadequacy cannot trouble a human being for whom human birth has taken place, the attainment of God being the only objective.
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Just as the aim of a patient is to get well, the aim of a human being is to achieve his own welfare.
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By not giving importance to mundane siddhi-assiddhi, i.e., by being equal in it, the objective is achieved.
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When the sole aim of the seeker becomes the attainment of God, then whatever material he has If there is, then they all become instrumental.
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Since one has a firm goal of attaining God, the conscience is purified as fast and as quickly as no other ritual can do it.
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Even animals suffer through their senses, but that is not the purpose of human life.The aim of human life is to attain blissful essence.
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By no means is the goal too small because the goal is to attain God.
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Life Quotes in English on advancement
It is a great mistake to think of one’s success or cleverness in attaining a thing, situation, etc. that is not present. True success or ingenuity lies in achieving that which is not now and, even if attained, will never be; this is the rule and it will always be.
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The intellectual progression of transcendental ascension is automatic.
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Consider how we disregard our own knowledge. How will our progress be affected if we do?
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Real progress is the purification of nature.
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Worldly advancement is not a present thing, and transcendental advancement is not a future thing.
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Real progress cannot be made by someone who seeks comfort.
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Life Quotes in English about Solitude
True solitude is the absence of our attachment to the body, senses, mind, and intellect.
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Detachment from the body, i.e The absence of ego-compassion in it, is real solitude.
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A human being can follow his duty in every situation. The true form of duty is service. It means to use the body and other objects received from the world in the interest of the world.
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There is natural happiness in the mind of a person who follows his duty. In contrast, there is a natural melancholy in a human being’s mind for failing to fulfil his five responsibilities.
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A sadhaka can become non-attached when he starts to perform duty-karma eagerly for the benefit of the world, considering the body-senses-mind-intellect not as “mine” or “for me,” but only for the world and for the world.
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The root cause of the unrest, discord, and conflict that are being seen in homes and in society is that people demand their rights but do not follow their duties.
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No duty is too small or too big. If done with duty (devotion), the smallest and largest karmas are the same.
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That which benefits others is a duty; that which harms others is a non-duty.
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What should be done and what can be done is called “duty.” Non-observance of duty is ecstasy, and ecstasy is hell.
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Actions done for one’s own happiness are “asat,” and actions done for the benefit of others are “sat.. The result of asat karma is the attainment of birth and death, and the result of sat karma is the attainment of God.
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Do good, but do not consider the world to be permanent.
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One who is devoted can fulfil his duty with diligence.
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Who performs his duty properly, whether a householder or a monk, is the best.
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Life Quotes in English about Weal
I don’t have anything; I don’t want anything; and I don’t have anything to do. These three things are going to bring quick salvation.
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God’s plan is for our welfare. If we do not make any decisions, our well-being will be determined automatically by God’s will.
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There is no situation in the world in which human welfare cannot be achieved. because God is equally present in every situation.
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Attaining welfare is very easy, but what is the use of that ease if there is no desire for welfare?
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Anyone can do the world’s work, but the welfare work itself must be done, like food, and we must take the medicine ourselves.
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No new situation is needed for one’s welfare. Welfare can only be achieved by making good use of the available situation. Welfare is not done by action, but by value and discretion.
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If all the people living in the house consider themselves servants and others as servants, then all will be served, and all will be well.
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The love of people is due to birth and death, and the love of God is for welfare.
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If those who love their own welfare pray with a sincere heart, they will be heard in the court of God soon.
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Useful Life Quotes in English
As long as the seeker has his own happiness, comfort, honor, greatness, etc., his personality does not dissolve and does not merge with the essence without the loss of personality.
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When there is some work in our conscience, we don’t even need to wish for Bhagwat-attainment; rather, God Himself will be attained. Humanity emerges from the desires of the world, of animals, and of God.
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“My mind is done” is called for work, and this work is the cause of suffering. One cannot be happy without renouncing this.
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Why do I feel happy? It is because of this love that man becomes idle and depraved.
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As soon as karma arises, man becomes alienated from his duty, his form, and his will (God) and becomes exposed to the perishable world.
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As soon as worldly desire arises, the transcendental path goes up in smoke. If one is not careful in this state, the desire becomes too much. Due to the increase in desire, the transcendental path becomes dark.
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A seeker should neither hope for the fulfilment of worldly desires nor despair of the fulfilment of divine desires.
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All are independent, competent, and able in the renunciation of desires. But no one is independent, competent, and capable of fulfilling desires.
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As desires are destroyed, so is sadhuta, and as desires increase, so is sadhuta. because the root cause of dishonesty is work itself.
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No matter is obtained solely through labor; even when it is discovered, it is not always united; and even when such a thing is visible, the work of matter is primordial.
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Life is painful, while happiness is coincidental. Desire and death are painful when we want to live.
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If the desire for something is fulfilled, then try to fulfil it, and if the desire to live is fulfilled, then try to avoid death. But not all things are obtained by desire, and death cannot be saved.
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No one is free to give up desire; no one is dependent to fulfil desire; no one is free.
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Desire for happiness, hope, and suffering—these three are the causes of all suffering.
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Attainment of imperishable elements by giving up perishable desires happens.
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This should happen, this should not happen—all of this is filled with sorrow.
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To cherish something in one’s mind is the same kind of passion.
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It is the desire to honor us that has insulted us.
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If you want anything from the world, you will get sorrow.
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Whoever wants to take is always poor.
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Perishable desire is the defilement of the conscience.
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Humans do not have to give up karma, but the desire is to give it up.
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Humans are not enslaved by things but by their desires.
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Life Quotes
The desire to take anything is terribly painful.
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Anyone who has a desire must be dependent on someone.
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Seeking happiness for oneself is a demonic, monstrous instinct.
Without love, one experiences worldly sorrow, and without love, one experiences happiness. As a result, a sadhaka should never seek worldly happiness.
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The desire for sacrifice and hoarding serves no other purpose than committing sin. So desire should be given up.
By desiring sacrifice and hoarding for himself, man falls below the beasts. And by giving up his desires, he rises above the gods.
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All are dependent on one another in fulfilling desires, but all are independent in giving up desires.
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We will get what is ours. No one else can take it. So one should follow one’s duty without working.
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There will be no peace as long as I desire it to be done.
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Even though human beings are intelligent, they love things that are destructive. This is surprising.
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By assuming one’s position in the body, one desires the perishable. And only through desire is one’s position in the body strengthened.
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Loving something earns you something, not getting something earns you nothing, but loving nothing earns you everything.
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Criticism feels bad because we love praise. If we seek praise, we are not truly deserving of it because those who deserve it. He does not want to be praised.
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The desire to be well spoken of by others is a great weakness, so be good, not well spoken of.
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Sometimes we have to give up the desire for worldly happiness, so why delay it?
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Try to meet the expectations of others as far as possible, but do not rely on others.
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Think about what makes you happy. Is it happy in every way? Isn’t it sad? How can a miserable person make you happy?
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The happiness that comes from the release of work never comes from fulfilment.
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If you want the passionate desire of God, give up the desire of the world.
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Put an end to one’s desires to cure poverty.
Desire is the fault. There will be no loss in being without desire.
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He who desires things for his happiness must suffer the agony of want.
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One who has no desire within him has his needs automatically met by nature.
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To desire or take pleasure in something that will not be with us forever, and we will not be with it forever, is folly and the cause of the fall.
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Desire for happiness does not bring happiness—this is the rule.
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Be it a monk, be it a householder, as long as there is lust (the desire to get something), there can be no peace.
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If you want peace, say, “This should happen; this should not happen.” Leave it, and what God wills should happen. Accept this.
Life Quotes
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