Isn’t it true that if we didn’t get such technologies and gadgets, our lives would be great, happy, peaceful, satisfied, and stressful?
How good it is to live on Earth and how we are living To find an easier life, to live an easy life, to manage a fast life, we lost something that could be the place of every smile, of no stress, of no pollution, of welcoming Mother Earth, of no short cuts, and of a beautiful life.
Technology gave us stress, pollution, anxiety, mental illness, and a lot of competition to live a better life with technology. We are living for more expensive gadgets and to become better for someone; we are facing technology every day just like it’s a part of life, but it is not living; it’s become survival.
Previously, I met the people from the smallest country and island on some occasions and through social media. They are supposed to be unluckier than us due to having fewer options for living life—less money, less technology, less networking, and less easy stuff—than our way.
But they are the happiest people on earth, kids of Mother Earth! “A smile costs nothing, but gives much.” and only they know the meaning of an actual life.
Technology is meant to make for a fast, good, and healthy life, but there is more stress, anxiety, and mental disease linked with technology and its gadgets. It’s stressing the generation.
A kid is supposed to live his childhood in the womb of Mother Earth. They are meant to talk with nature and spend their childhood there. But things have changed and are getting worse.
Certainly, technology and gadgets are meant to be a gift to humans, but of course, they are diseases too.
What if you didn’t invent such technology and gadgets?
Things would have been better on earth if we had lived in the womb of Mother Earth and didn’t rebel against her. There would be a smile on everyone’s face and satisfaction in living, satisfaction of having a life on earth.
If they had not invented such gadgets and easier technology for people. Now, why are people jealous of others? Technology has given us that “jealous” feeling.
Technology is supposed to offer many options for living, but it has become many options for survival.
There were many ways before we invented such technology to connect with nature at every step of life, but now it’s become private stuff like earning money to go on vacation on artificial nature land; to have options, create more options, or get satisfied options from the mother earth.
People choose to create more options; that’s why we are having such a stressful life, in my opinion.
I don’t believe and am not saying exactly that people had a good life and lived a satisfied life before such inventions and gadgets as we got, but I can tell you that they had such a satisfied day in their whole life when in present-day people not even get an unstressed smile for an hour.
Today we are living to buy every new technology and new gadget (such as a mobile, tv, watches, or computer), we are to pay more bills and charges for such things as a data pack, a calling pack, having an account in the bank, to get national IDs, to get every document, to pay someone, to receive, and to get artificial beauty. We are living now here to pay for things that are not necessary, and we could live without them if they weren’t invented.
We pay more taxes on such things as streets, water, land, GST on everything, and electricity, and we pay for our safety from the other countries.