Seeking happiness for oneself leads to perishable happiness, and bringing happiness to others leads to imperishable happiness.
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By completely renouncing perishable happiness, imperishable happiness is attained.
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There is heaven for enjoying happiness and hell for suffering, and this is the human world that must rise above both happiness and suffering and attain great joy.
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The happiness that comes from the severance of the worldly connection cannot be linked to the worldly connection.
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You will not obtain imperishable happiness as long as you continue to enjoy perishable happiness.
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The pride of goodness is the root of evil.
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Renunciation of selfishness and pride leads to asceticism.
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The pride of one's own intellect does not allow the words of the scriptures and saints to remain in the conscience.
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The specialty of varna, ashram, etc. is to serve others, not to boast.
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The more you pride yourself on your goodness, the more evil will arise. Be good to him, but do not be proud of being good.