Everything to know about the Santram Mandir Nadiad

Santram mandir

Who is Santram Maharaj?

The original Santram Maharaj was a great saint of the Avadhoot category who came to Nadiad from Girnar 

When does Santram Mandir Nadiad open and close?

Santram Mandir is open in the morning at 6 am & closes at 11:00 am.  again open at 3:30 pm & closes at 7:00 pm.

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What is Saankar Varsha in Santram Mandir?

Saankar is distributed among the devotees in  temple on the full moon of the month Magha.

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How far is Santram Mandir from Vadodara?

Santram Mandir from Vadodara, Santram Mandir is approximately 62 kilometres from Vadodara.

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Where is Santram Mandir Eye Hospital ?

Santram Eye Hospital is behind the Santram Mandir, Nadiad.

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