Stop Telling Everyone Everything

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Stop telling everyone everything about what is going on in your life.

The best advice I have ever received in my life is that I should not express my feelings, thoughts, and most certainly my life to everyone I meet.

When I was a teenager, this advice felt so stupid. I used to think that if I would not share my life and all that was happening, then how could I maintain a friendship at all? It turned out that the teenager had set a false expectation.

There are so many regrets and jokes that happen when we start telling everyone everything.

Stop telling everyone that what is going on in your life!

It doesn’t take long for conversations to devolve into gossip and then claims. This is human nature—we tend to exaggerate things we hear from someone else. We present them in a very attractive manner, even if it is a simple thing.

Just stop telling everyone everything. Human expressions say a lot when conveying feelings, and people notice your expressions more than your words. When you tell someone that you feel attracted to such a person, the talk escalates, and they come to a conclusion that you might like a certain person because of their knowledge.

Directly or indirectly, someone’s feelings will get hurt in this situation. This is the only reason why so many individuals have said that you should not trust everyone and should make close friends of only trustworthy individuals. 

We have a mouth that wants to spill everything whenever we feel connected with someone, but it is not a good idea to share everything that has happened or is happening in your life just because your vibes matched. The world has always been a cruel place to be, and trusting every person you meet can be harmful. People want to hurt you but will talk to you sweetly.

There will be times when you will want to stay with your close ones rather than meet new ones just because they will be sweeter, but you have to understand that there is a fine line between loving you with sweet speech and killing you with it. Matter is you don’t need to share everything you need to stop telling everyone everything specially your feelings and your sad life.

How to stop telling people everything

People are out there ready to tell you about a world that doesn’t exist and you believe in their promises, I did too and what was the result? It took me a very long time to get back with my old and close ones. 

Living Alone is good my friends just Stop Telling Everyone Everything, Anecdote of my friend, ‘My partner once got angry because I shared too much about us on social media. My only question was why and I got the answer in a wide explanation mentioning how people love to create a mess in other people’s life. Especially if they see them happier than them.

I found it skeptical and went with what I wanted to do. Result? Scares in relationships because I listened too much to them and questioned my feelings more often and it reflected in my behavior. When you choose to open up in front of people who do not understand you at the root level, it affects you and only you.

They will leave after advising you, but you will have to deal with your consciousness. On an innocent level, we trust people, but is the world innocent? No, certainly not, and we too should not be of the perception that we will gain gold by expressing too much to someone who hardly cares.

It is a pure myth that you can know about a person in just a few days, and the other person will know you very well in just those few days too. It takes years of dedication and patience to be with someone and understand them. Yes, the excitement of having a new person in your life can be very thrilling, but you can not kill past relationships because of them. 

Why do I Stop telling everyone everything, How to stop telling everyone everything?

When you decide to cut off a non-toxic relationship, you take a backward step in your life because people who care for you are no longer with you.

You will have to survive alone because these temporary people will laugh with you but they will not be there when you will need someone to make you smile let alone be alive.

Friendships of years are better than friendships of months, these relationships do not work if you do not involve your time in some or other manner.

I said it earlier and I will say it again that expressing your life to everyone will make you a clown because people will start gossiping about your feelings and emotions.

The phase of your life might be suffering for you but can be a state to laugh on to others. The more you will dig into it, the more you will understand that there is no one better than your close ones and understanding can not be built in days. Keeping that in mind, think twice before overloading your life in front of anyone-
Stop telling everyone about what is going on in your life.

You don’t have to tell everyone everything, How the sun rises.

Stop Telling Everyone Everything when it is not necessary.

Ask me how the sun rises, and I will be ready to tell different stories for each one. Sometimes I study under the orange shade of the sun, and other times I see things and try to absorb everything I can. When the sun rises, the dew reflects as if it were a universe of its own.

The leaves dance on the cool breeze and flowers sing their songs; they shed their old petals and get ready for new ones. Can life be as smooth as a river? No, we are rivers, and we have to get hit with stones. like the stream that passes and shines when individuals try to take something.

I once saw a flower blooming in the blessing of an orange glow, and ever since, I have believed in the supremacy of the morning sun and the magic it has on people. Honestly, I see my mother in nature. It motivates me to wake up every morning, and the fight is unbelievable.

The more I try to find myself, the more I find myself digging into the scenes of morning charm. I do not feel lost anymore, and even vague roads take me somewhere. Now, all I want is a sun of my life that will brighten me and fill my life with some shiny dew. 

Stop telling everyone about what is going on in your life!

Why mornings? What am I searching for? Those chirping birds, more multicolored flower petals on my terrace—maybe I’m looking for something beyond my human expectations.

I saw a lady the other day, she was taking her baby for a walk, and I remember how that little kid pointed to the tree near my room. “He gets free flowers.” We all get everything from nature for free, and the only thing we can pay for is by loving others.

I went to my terrace and dropped some flowers on that child. That Morning, my terrace was filled with flowers, and at that moment, I witnessed the purest smile. 

Stop Telling Everyone What They Want

We all love to share our opinions, especially when it comes to things that matter to us. But sometimes, sharing our thoughts can cause problems for others. Here are 7 ways to stop telling everyone how you feel.

Don’t Promise Too Much.

If you’re going to tell people what they want, make sure you deliver. You’ll need to do some research before making promises. For example, if you promise to help them lose weight, you should ask yourself whether you can actually help them achieve their goal. It’s also important to consider the consequences of promising too much. If you promise to pay off a debt, you might end up losing money instead.

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